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  • 珠宝展柜定做需要考虑的因素有哪些
  • 本站编辑:杭州品亿商业展示有限公司发布日期:2019.11.26


Different brand jewelry display cabinets are also different, and jewelry display cabinets customized, in fact, is not blind, nor is it a complete reference, because blind will not form features, and reference can not form a brand.
But when customizing this kind of jewelry display case, the reference is needed. For example, if you have chosen the facade, then there must be some other businesses around you. As the old Chinese saying goes, if you know yourself and know your enemy, you will not be defeated in a hundred battles. So, what are the factors that need to be considered when jewelry exhibition case is custom-made?
1. Customer demand
Anything that is for the purpose of sales, the first consideration is the customer's idea, which is the most critical. Know what kind of display cabinet customers most need, know what kind of display cabinet customers like, so that we can combine the characteristics of jewelry design to customize jewelry display cabinet.
2. Peer style
This kind of peer style is not to want complete copy, can do for others marry dress only in that way, because peer already began business before you, you are making a similar modelling, somebody else still thinks be before that branch store, such go against this brand establish. But also to refer to the operation of a better peer's style, so that they can be in their own unique style on the basis of the likes of consumers.
The reference factor of custom-made jewelry exhibition case is the biggest than consumer and peer, consumer is the purpose, peer is for reference. Know where the purpose is, to be able to primary and secondary clear; Know peer is good where, oneself just can progress more quickly.